What is a Notarized/Certified Copy?
A notarized copy is a photocopy of an original document that has been certified by a notary public to be a true and accurate copy of the original document. A notarized copy is sometimes referred to as a certified copy.
How Does a Notary Public Make a Notarized Copy?
A notary public examines the original document that is being certified/notarized and compares the original to the photocopy. The notary public must be satisfied that the photocopy is a true and accurate copy of the original. If so satisfied, the notary public will print a statement on the photocopy that certifies the photocopy to be a true and accurate copy of the original document that was presented. The notary public signs the document and embosses a notary public’s seal on the document. The notary public’s signature and seal can later be authenticated by the government for use in a jurisdiction outside of Canada.
Why Do Some Documents Need To Be Certified?
The certification of a document acts as an assurance that the photocopy is a true and accurate copy of the original. This is useful where it is impractical to provide or show the original document.
What is an Original Document?
An original document is a document that is not a copy of a document. A notary public can only certify/notarize copies of original documents and not copies of copies.