Lost Passport Declaration

What is a Declaration Concerning a Lost, Stolen, Damaged, Destroyed or Inaccessible Canadian Passport or Travel Document

A Declaration Concerning a Lost, Stolen, Damaged, Destroyed or Inaccessible Canadian Passport or Travel Document is a form that Passport Canada requires one to complete in the event of a Lost, Stolen, Damaged, Destroyed or Inaccessible Canadian Passport or Travel Document.  The Statutory Declaration Concerning a Lost, Stolen, Damaged, Destroyed or Inaccessible Canadian Passport or Travel Document is used when applying for a Canadian Passport or Travel Document. It must be signed by a guarantor.

Declaration in Lieu of Guarantor form

If you do not have an eligible guarantor then Passport Canada requires you to complete a Declaration in Lieu of Guarantor form PPTC 132. Passport Canada does not make this form available online. It is available at any passport office in Canada or Government of Canada office in the USA.  A notary public is authorized by law to administer the oath or solemn affirmation contained in the Declaration in Lieu of Guarantor form PPTC 132.

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