Passport Application

Canadian Passport Application Requirements

When applying for a Canadian Passport, an applicant must have their application, passport photo, and, if applicable, copies of documents confirming their identity signed by an eligible Guarantor.

A notary public may commission a Statutory Declaration in Lieu of Guarantor only when you do not have a qualified guarantor.   If you have a qualified guarantor, then your guarantor should sign your passport application.  For more information on the application process visit the Passport office’s website at:

What is a Guarantor?

According to the Government of Canada, the requirements for a Guarantor are as follows:

For Passport Applicants in Canada or the US then your guarantor must:

a) Hold a five-year Canadian passport that is valid or has been expired for no more than one year, on the day you submit your application; and
b) In the case of an Passport Application for an Adult then have known you personally for at least two (2) years, or in the case of a Passport Application for a Child then have known the parent or legal guardian personally for at least two (2) years and have knowledge of the child; and
c) Be a Canadian citizen 18 years of age or older; and
d) Have been 16 years of age or older when he or she applied for his or her own passport.

For Passport Applicants Outside of Canada or the US then your guarantor must:

a) Have known you personally for at least two (2) years or in the case of a child, the guarantor must have known the the parent or legal guardian personally for at least two (2) years and have knowledge of the child; and
b) Live within the jurisdiction of the passport issuing office and be accessible for verification; and
c) Be one of the following:

  • Dentist
  • Judge
  • Practicing lawyer
  • Magistrate
  • Mayor
  • Medical doctor
  • Notary public
  • Police officer
  • Signing officer of a bank; and

d) Be able to confirm your identity

Retired guarantors are not eligible unless the guarantor’s name still appears on the listing provided to Passport Canada by the relevant association.
A relative may act as a guarantor for passport purposes provided he or she meets the specified requirements

Statutory Declaration in Lieu of Guarantor

If you do not know an eligible Guarantor, you must make a Statutory Declaration in Lieu of Guarantor.  The Statutory Declaration in Lieu of Guarantor form (Form PPT 132) is not included in the standard passport application and must be obtained from the passport office directly.

A Statutory Declaration in Lieu of Guarantor is where the individual applying for the passport will swear or declare before, and have signed by, a person authorized by law to administer an oath or solemn affirmation that the information in their application is true.

A notary public or commissioner for taking affidavits may administer the Statutory Declaration in Lieu of Guarantor, certify the applicant’s photo and certify any supporting documentation. The notary public or commissioner for taking affidavits administering the Statutory Declaration in Lieu of Guarantor is not required to know the applicant.

If you are making a Statutory Declaration in Lieu of Guarantor, you must still comply with all other requirements when applying for a Passport. This includes the requirement to have your photo’s certified and provide documents that support your identity. The individual administering the Statutory Declaration in Lieu of Guarantor will also certify your photos and, if applicable, certify your supporting documentation.


The federal government requires that you have your photographs verified for your passport application. A notary public or commissioner for taking affidavits may certify your photographs when you do not have a guarantor.

Documents to Support Identity

You are also required to submit certain documents to support your identity. You may submit originals or certified copies. A notary public and commissioner for taking affidavits may certify your copies when you do not have a guarantor.


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